How to Order Your Academic Transcript

A transcript is a record of everything you’ve accomplished: the classes you’ve taken, the grades and degrees you’ve earned, and more. While you’re still in school, official transcripts are required for certain scholarships or when transferring. 

After graduation, you’ll need access to your transcript when you apply to graduate school or for certain jobs. 

Ordering an Official University of Mary Transcript

The University of Mary has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide official transcript ordering through a secured internet transaction. You will need a valid major credit card or gift card. 

Official transcripts are secured documents verified by the University and provide third parties proof of authenticity.

To obtain your official transcript online:  

  • Visit the National Student Clearinghouse.
  • Click the “Order Transcript(s)” button.
  • The site will walk you through placing your order, including delivery options and fees. You can order as many transcripts as you like in a single session.
  • Order updates will be emailed to you. You can also check order status or history online.
  • Transcripts vary from $7.50 to $8.25 each, depending on the selected delivery method. Your card will be charged only after your order has been completed.
  • Transcripts can be ordered in the lower level of the Benedictine Center in the Register’s Office. (see address and hours below)
  • Transcripts are $5 per printed copy.

Accessing Unofficial University of Mary Transcripts

Both current and past University of Mary students can view their unofficial transcripts online at any time. Because students can self-service online, the Office of the Registrar does not release unofficial transcripts.

To access your unofficial transcript:

  • Log in to
    • My Academics Tab → Academic Records & Advising
  • Scroll down to view and download your unofficial transcript.
  • If you don’t remember your login credentials, please call the Office of the Registrar for assistance.

Transcripts from Another Institution

If you’ve earned college credits from another institution or postsecondary training, you might have a jump-start toward earning your degree from the University of Mary. Transfer students looking to bring previously earned credits to their intended degree program should request a transcript review.

See the Transfer Students page to learn more about what you’ll need for admission as a transfer student.

Continuing Education and Workshop Students

Continuing Education and Workshop records are housed separately from traditional academic coursework. You can access your learner transcript from our Canvas Catalog system. To access your transcript from Canvas Catalog:

  • Log in to Canvas Catalog with your username and password.
  • From the Student Dashboard, click on “PDF Transcript” on the right side of the screen.
  • Save and/or print the transcript file.
  • Alternatively, you can place an electronic order to request your learner transcript be sent to you using this form.

If you don’t remember your login credentials or if you haven’t set up an account yet, contact Kaitlyn Green at 701-355-5151.


The Office of the Registrar is in the lower level of the Benedictine Center and is open 8 am - 4:30 pm Monday–Friday.

We are Just a Phone Call Or Email Away

Office of the Registrar
7500 University Drive Bismarck, ND 58504
701-355-8080 or 800-288-6279 (MARY)